Awards Programs:
The Friesian Sporthorse Association is proud to offer a variety of awards to recognize the outstanding achievments of Friesian Sporthorses in sport.
The FSA currently offers the following national year-end awards:
- USDF All-Breeds Friesian Sporthorse national dressage awards
- FSA High Performance national dressage award
- FSA Inspection & In-hand national awards (national Top 10)
We're also proud to sponsor:
- USAWE (USA Working Equitation) National High Point Breed Performance Award for Friesian Sporthorses.
To learn more about these programs please scroll down the page.
Awards Results:
Please scroll down to see the current year's winners,
or you may use these quick links to jump directly to
the award results:
USDF Friesian Sporthorse National All-Breeds Awards
The Friesian Sporthorse Association is proudly affiliated with the USDF and offers year-end awards thru the USDF All-Breeds award program.
IMPORTANT #2: HORSES MUST BE ENROLLED IN THE FRIESIAN SPORTHORSE ANNUAL USDF AWARDS PROGRAM TO BE ELIGIBLE! (Click on the yellow box to learn more and print the enrollment form.)

Friesian Sporthorse Association High Performance Dressage Award
The FSA High Performance Dressage Award is sponsored in honor of Ducati CH, the first Friesian Sporthorse to compete at Grand Prix level dressage. The guidelines for this award are as follows:
The FSA High Performance Award will honor the horse with the highest average score at FEI* level dressage. Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded.
*If there are no horses eligible at the FEI level in a particular year the award will go to the horse with the highest average score at the next highest level (ie, Fourth Level, Third Level, etc.)
Friesian Sporthorse Association National Inspection and In-hand Award
The National Inspection and In-hand award will be awarded annually to the horses with the highest inspection or in-hand score.
Please visit the USDF website for complete information on the USDF All-Breeds Awards program. All horses must be "declared" as FRIESIAN SPORTHORSES with the FRIESIAN SPORTHORSE ASSOCIATION (102771) in order to be eligible for the All-Breeds Award program. To "declare" your horse you must submit an All-Breeds declaration form directly to USDF. Declaration forms may be found on the USDF website.

3 scores at FEI level* from USDF/USEF recognized dressage competitions, from 3 different judges, from at least 2 different competitions. Scores may be earned with different riders. Horses must be registered with the FSA.
Recorded Scores:
- Scores will be recorded from the USDF official results.
- You must notify us of your desire to be considered for this award, prior to September 30th of the award year (email notification to:
- Freestyle scores are not eligible.
Award year:
October 1 thru September 30 (the same as the USDF
award year.)
Award Calculation:
The average of the three highest scores will be used.
- Only one score is needed. If more than one score is reported, the highest score will be used.
- Scores may be from inspections or in-hand classes
- In-hand scores must be earned at USDF/DSHB classes or USEA FEH classes.
- Inspection scores must be from FSA inspections or other breed registry inspections from recognized registries.
Eligibility and Score Reporting:
- Horses must be FSA registered to be eligible.
- A photocopy of the test sheet, inspection sheet, etc., showing the score, date, name of the horse, and the name/location of the inspection or show must be sent to the FSA.
- For in-hand scores: a printout of the official results from the USDF website is also acceptable as long as it shows the score, date, and name of the horse.
- All paperwork must be received by the FSA by December 3rd.
Award Year:
December 1 thru November 30
USAWE National High Point Breed Performance
Award for Friesian Sporthorses
We have teamed up with the USAWE (USA Working
Equitation) to sponsor the annual National High Point
Breed Performance Award for Friesian Sporthorses
and FSA registered Friesians.
To learn more please visit the USAWE website