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Friesian Sporthorse Trademark
January 2019

Friesian Sporthorse is a trademark of the Friesian Sporthorse Association.  This trademark has been extended by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) thru 2028. 

Genetic Testing for Dwarfism & Hydrocephalus UPDATE
Effective January 2019

Dwarfism and Hydrocephalus test results from tests which were done privately will not be accepted. Testing must be done thru either us (FSA) or FHANA for the results to be considered legitimate. 

Genetic Testing for Dwarfism and Hycrocephalus in Friesians and Friesian Crosses
December 2017

UC Davis has begun offering genetic testing for Friesians and Friesian-crosses for DWARFISM and HYDROCEPHALUS. We highly recommend testing for any Friesians or Friesian-crosses which are being used for breeding to other Friesians or Friesian-crosses.  

"Results from the test assist owners and breeders to identify carriers and to make informed mate selection to avoid producing affected foals. Matings between carriers should be avoided as these crosses have a 25% chance of producing affected foals. Breeding carriers to normal horses is safe and a means to maintain genetic diversity in the breed and avoid production of affected foals." 
- UC Davis

Horses which have only one copy of the dwarfism mutation or the hydrocephalus mutation are "carriers". Horses with two copies are "affected". Horses with no copies are "normal". 

Dwarfism primarily effects Friesians and miniature horses. Hydrocephalus primarily effects Friesians. This testing being offered is only for Friesians and Friesian-crosses. 

"Carriers" can still be used for Friesian and Friesian-cross breeding, but should not be bred to Friesians or Friesian-crosses which are also "carriers".  Because these genetic mutations are almost entirely related to Friesians, a horse's status as a "carrier" would be virtually irrelevant when breeding to a horse with no Friesian heritage. 

American Friesian Association: out of business, and transferring registration to the FSA

The American Friesian Association went out of business in 2015. Since then we've had numerous inquiries about transferring AFA registered horses to the FSA. We are happy to help owners of AFA registered horses who would like to transfer to the FSA, and we are offering to process these transfers at a temporarily reduced rate of only $60. Because the AFA's registration requirements were less stringent than our own, please note that DNA testing will be required for any AFA registered horses being transferred to the FSA.

The Friesian Sporthorse featured in USDF's Connections magazine!

USDF's Connections magazine did a feature article on the Friesian Sporthorse and the Friesian Sporthorse Association in the September 2016 issue.  This is the second time USDf has featured the Friesian Sporthorse and the Friesian Sporthorse Association (FSA).

The FSA is proud to offer USDF All-Breeds awards and to sponsor the US Dressage Finals High Score Breed Awards for Friesian Sporthorses. 

Click on the photo below to open the article as a .pdf (this is a large file and may take a moment to load.)

Friesian Sporthorse "Celtic Grace" featured in Warmbloods Today magazine (March/April 2015)

Read Celtic Grace's comeback story in the article "Two Comeback Kids!" in the March/April 2015 issue of Warmbloods Today magazine.  Celtic Grace is a Silver Elite Friesian Sporthorse mare by Celtic ("Roi des Blues"), owned by Bobbi Wojtowicz and ridden by Jonni Allen.  

Click on the photo below to open the article as a .pdf (this is a large file and may take a moment to load.)

Friesian Sporthorses at the 2014 US Dressage Finals!

The second annual US Dressage Finals competition took place November 6-9, 2014 and included two Friesian Sporthorses among the competitors.  Celtic Grace qualified for the Third Level Finals and the Third Level Freestyle Finals.  Miramar qualified for the First Level Freestyle Finals.  

Celtic Grace is a Silver Elite Friesian Sporthorse mare by Celtic (Roi des Blues) (Friesian) and out of Zena (Thoroughbred.)  Owned by Bobbi Wojtowicz and ridden by Jonni Allen.

Miramar is a Bronze Elite Star Friesian Sporthorse mare by Pieter fan Lutke Pienjum (Friesian) and out of FWF Sweetheart's Dance (Georgian Grande.)  Owned by Melanie Cain-Stage and ridden by Brian MacMahon.

Celtic Grace finished 4th overall for the Third Level Freestyle Final with a 70.067% and 5th overall for the Third Level Final with a 69.060%, and was also named the Friesian Sporthorse High Score Champion of the 2014 US Dressage Finals.

Congratulations to both horses, riders, and owners!

FSA's Breeding Director Awarded National Grant For U.S. Breeder Excellence

Our own FSA Breeding Director Gigha Steinman was awarded the Dressage Foundation's national grant for U.S. Breeder Excellence in 2014.  “I’m excited at the opportunity not only to increase my own knowledge, but also to share what I learn through my role as the Friesian Sporthorse Association’s Breeding Director," she says. Gigha used the grant money to attend the 2014 USDF Sport Horse Seminar hosted by Iron Spring Farm and intends to use what she learned to further contribute to the growth and development of the Friesian Sporthorse and the production of quality, talented FEI dressage prospects in the U.S.

Click on the links below to read the Eurodressage article and to read Gigha's summary of the USDF Sport Horse Seminar featured on the Dressage Foundation's website.  Gigha also wrote an article about 
the seminar which was featured in Warmbloods Today magazine.  

The Friesian Sporthorse Association offers our sincerest condolences to Sherry and Jon Koella of Hidden Promise Sporthorses, who lost several of their horses (including the approved Friesian Sporthorse breeding stallion Nico) in a tragic barn fire on Christmas Eve 2010.  The Koellas were (and still are) pioneers in pinto Friesian Sporthorse breeding, and this was a devastating loss. An article about the story of Nico and the tragedy appeared in Warmbloods Today magazine (click on the link below to view.)

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(Registration Application, Breeder's Certificates, Name Change, etc)
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Friesian Sporthorse DNA Testing
FSA Registration FORMS & FEES
FSA Registration FORMS & FEES
Friesian Sporthorse DNA Testing
History of the Friesian Sporthorse
2023 Friesian Sporthorse National Award Winners