Friesian Sporthorse Awards Program
for USDF All-Breeds Friesian Sporthorse Awards

To be eligible for the USDF All-Breeds Friesian Sporthorse Association 
National Year-End awards your horse must be registered 
with the Friesian Sporthorse Association (FSA) and must be 
enrolled in the Friesian Sporthorse Awards Program with the FSA. 

The annual enrollment fee is $50
payable to the Friesian Sporthorse Association. 

Payment must be received by September 1st of the award year.
(Payments received between September 2nd and September 15th are subject 
to a $25 late fee. Payments received between September 16th and October 1st 
are subject to a $100 late fee. Fees are non-refundable.)
Absolutely no payments accepted after October 1st.

To enroll in the Friesian Sporthorse Awards Program:

Send the Annual Enrollment Form and payment to:.
Friesian Sporthorse Association
PO Box 283
Seville, FL 32190

Or to enroll electronically: 
You may pay the fee via PayPal and submit the form via email to: 
The PayPal "Buy This" buttons are at the top of this page in the yellow box.  
(Please include proof of PayPal payment (such as a screenshot of the receipt) with your email.)
*A small convenience fee will be added to electronic payments.


- Your horse's FSA registered name and the USDF registered name MUST BE THE SAME.
(You may need to pay for a change of name with either USDF or FSA in order to be eligible for USDF All-Breeds year-end awards.)

(You may need to transfer ownership with FSA and/or USDF in order to be eligible for USDF All-Breeds year-end awards.)


IMPORTANT: You must also meet all of USDF's requirements, including having an All-Breeds declaration for the Friesian Sporthorse Association (102771) on file with USDF, to be eligible. Please contact USDF directly with any questions regarding USDF's rules & eligibility, etc. 


Awards Enrollment Fee (before Sept 1st)
Awards Enrollment Fee LATE (Sept 2nd - Sept 15th)
Awards Enrollment Fee VERY LATE (Sept 16 - Oct 1)